Wednesday, March 25, 2009

You would think with my husband being a photographer, that I would post more pictures than I do. Oh, well . . . I don't have any photos of us -- unless I take them myself!

So, layoffs were announced at my office this past week. They are going to do them the middle of April. Tension and stress has been at a pretty high level lately! Guess I have felt that I just need to keep doing my best and hope that everything will be okay. I'll have to let you all know.

Today is the last day of my school quarter. I am off until April 6th. I'm looking forward to the break this time. I really like school -- I would just like to be able to do other things for a little while.

Ernie and I took Kelsey and Murray out to dinner the other night for Kelsey's birthday. We had so much fun at Tepanyaki's! We then came back to our house for homemade hot fudge sundaes and played a few rounds of Phase 10. I'm really enjoying our one-on-one night outs with our kids. It's been a really fun time. HAPPY BIRTHDAY KELS!

Grandma Thornton is having surgery on April 1st, so Murray suggested we should have a family fast. So, Sunday it is for anyone who wants to join in. I told her today that we were going to do it and see seemed to be grateful that we would think of doing that.


  1. YAY for a break for you! I have heard you are QUITE busy!

    Lay offs?! UGH! We will keep you in our prayers!

    Love you guys!

  2. I will be praying for Grandma Thornton- I just love her.

    I am so glad you get a break. I hope you get lots of rest.
